Après plus de 25 ans dans le secteur du tourisme,  Anne travaille aujourd'hui comme photographe à Leipzig, en Allemagne. Au cours de la pandémie, le temps est resté suspendu tout comme son métier de voyagiste. Dans cette mise en scène inattendue, une nouvelle passion s’est révélée pour la Photographie. Anne a eu enfin le temps d’observer, d’explorer avec minutie et de capturer la beauté de tout ce qui l'entoure, tel un metteur en scène qui souhaite immortaliser l'instant présent. 


Aujourd'hui, Anne vous invite à un nouveau voyage photographique...


After more than 25 years in the tourism industry, Anne now works as a photographer in Leipzig, Germany. During the pandemic, time stood still, as did her job as a tour operator. In this unexpected setting, a new passion for photography emerged. Anne had the time to observe, explore and capture the beauty of everything around her, like a filmmaker looking to immortalize the moment. 


Today, Anne invites you on a new photographic journey... 


Historia Travel
Anne Duhamel


Since 2007 Anne Duhamel was a Tour Operator turned now into a photographer based in Leipzig, Germany. After successfully completing a BTS in Tourism from the Académie de Versailles, she spent 10 years working in Paris for several well-known companies, before moving to Germany and setting up her own travel agency company in 2007 "Historia Travel". A company specialized in customized luxury travel for VIPs and thematic tours for groups, as well as business travel to trade fairs between France and Germany. 


In 2015 she expanded her travel business to include artist management and concert organization. Anne then registered her company Historia Travel with the extension "Events" on the SCPP register, as a music producer for the pianist and the Laser harp master artist :

Time Composer. 




From 2020 to 2022, following the forced cessation of her activities due to the pandemic, Anne trained as a professional inter-company and intercultural mediator and obtained the DAS, Master 1 diploma from the Steinbeiss Academy. She also took advantage of this downtime to focus on photography, and discovered a real new passion...The iPhone has become an integral part of her creative process to illustrate her travel offers with beautiful photos. But today, thanks to new equipment (iPhone 15 pro Max), her passion is taking on a new, more intense dimension, thanks to a new X5 lens that helps the eye capture special moments and create images rich in contrasts between light and shadow...


Today, Anne invites you on a new photographic journey... 



Anne Duhamel est une ancienne voyagiste devenue photographe basée à Leipzig, en Allemagne. Titulaire d'un BTS Tourisme de l'Académie de Versailles, elle travaille ensuite 10 ans à Paris pour plusieurs sociétés de renom, avant de s'installer en Allemagne pour créer sa propre entreprise -Historia Travel - en 2007. Une agence de voyage sur-mesure spécialisée dans la création de circuits à thèmes pour des associations de renom telles que les Amis du Louvre ou Le souvenir Napoléonien. Et également de déplacements d'affaires pour des entreprises françaises ou allemandes  aux salons professionnels, Messe en Allemagne et congrès en France. 


En 2015, elle élargit son activité de voyage à la gestion d'artistes et à l'organisation de concerts. Anne inscrit alors son entreprise Historia Travel avec l'extension "Events" au registre de la SCPP, en tant que productrice de musique pour l'artiste Time Composer. Un pianiste et mélodiste hors pair maitrisant aussi  un instrument  exceptionnel et rare : la harpe laser. 


De 2020 à 2022, suite à l’interruption forcée de ses activités en raison de la pandémie, Anne se forme à la médiation professionnelle inter-entreprise et interculturelle puis obtient le diplôme DAS, Master 1 de l'Académie Steinbeiss. Durant cette période, elle profite aussi de ce temps libre pour le dédier à la photographie et se découvre alors une réelle passion… L'iPhone est devenu une partie intégrante de son processus créatif commercial initial afin d' illustrer ses offres de voyage avec de belles photos. Mais aujourd'hui équipée de son nouvel iPhone 15 pro Max, sa passion prend une nouvelle dimension, plus intense, grâce à un nouvel objectif X5 qui aide son œil à capturer des moments privilégiés et à créer des images riches en contrastes entres les ombres et  lumières...


Aujourd'hui, Anne vous invite à un nouveau voyage photographique...


Make it in Germany

A mediator specialized in the commercial habits between German and French companies. We ensure the success of your international approach by supporting you in all steps of your project, from the first contact to the finalization of a collaboration or integration. By mastering the language and knowing the technical and administrative conditions in Germany, we can take care of many administrative formalities for you and limit the number of participants by offering you a single partner for your Project. As more we do mediation which is the strategy that's the most empowering for the parties in conflict. 






Historia Travel & Events is LTM - (Leipzig Tourism and Marketing's) partner for the French tourism market marketing. Ask us more information about our favorite city Leipzig. 


Created in 1937, Le Souvenir Napoléonien is the biggest Napoleonic association in Europe, recognized of public utility by Ministerial Decree of 5 November 1982. It aims is to study and make known the institutions, places, events and persons who made the history of the First and Second Empire.




Gert Pfeifer is a certified guide and one of Historia Travel & Events' preferred partners in the conception of historical tours such as Saxony' s history during 1813. 



The restaurant Auerbachs Keller receives many international guests. Goethe made this restaurant "Auerbachs Keller Leipzig" world-famous by describing it in his famous novel "Faust".


And testimonies


Back to France, we would like to share with you our satisfaction concerning the journey to Leipzig. The organization as well as the judicious choice of hotels, a comfortable bus and a very nice driver, the choice of visits and the timing of the visits contributed to make this trip a success.Your competence and friendliness as well as your professionalism have greatly contributed for it! Thank you again we only have unforgettable good memories..." Historian:  Julien-Laverdet


"On the footsteps of Napoleon " Just a quick word to thank you for the quality the services you provide, which is a sharp contrast to what is usually practiced in the historic world. I was very pleased to note your motivation and unfailing commitment so that all participants could find the best for their journey ..."  Historian:  Jean-Claude Banc.